Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday afternoon hike...

I got off work a little early yesterday so Josh and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather!! We took a drive out to Silver Falls (about 35 minutes) and went on our favorite hike. For those of you in MN, Silver Falls is a state park that has 10 waterfalls, the hiking loop is about a 10 mile loop. We have only ever done the 6 mile loop, but its a GREAT hike!! You can hike behind two of the waterfalls, its absolutley amazing!


We had a nice laid back Easter this year! My parents and Tom came down for the weekend! The boys enjoyed some Wii golf while mom and I slaved all day in the kitchen! :)

I stopped by EZ Orchards to pick up some fresh flowers for the weekend! Tulips and Iris are in season right now and they were beautiful!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!